The "War Room" is meant to foster discussion about the world and US foreign policy. The editors believe that everyone has a right and a duty to be heard about what gets done in our name. So we invite you to argue, blame, bloviate, criticize, discuss, praise, rant, read, and write right here. Please have at least some evidence to back up what you've got to say.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Condemned to Repeat It

Historians Against the War is calling for nationwide teach-ins up to election day. They ask:

Why is the United States still occupying Iraq ? How and when can we withdraw? How does the Iraqi occupation relate to the current crisis in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon ? And what are the prospects for a new war in Iran or Syria ? How is the Bush Administration expanding the powers of the Executive Branch? And what are the domestic effects of its commitment to a prolonged “war on terrorism?”

Check out their website at the above link, including Josh Brown's funny/awful "Life During Wartime" cartoons.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Seldom Seen Sleight

The great Ken Sleight, my new neighbor and the model for the radical cowboy environmentalist Seldom Seen Smith in his friend Ed Abbey's -The Monkey Wrench Gang-, will be honored this Saturday by the Entrada Institute with its Ward Roylance prize. Check out the above linked story by another new (albeit temporary) neighbor to see what mischief Ken's still up to, and raise a glass of Wild Turkey to our favorite trail rider.

Wake Me on Nov. 8

Election day is two weeks away and I'm too damn nervous to sleep. I don't believe the happy-face talk of Democrats retaking the House (let alone the Senate) like E. J. Dionne in today's Post thru the above link; I still have the scars from celebrating Al Gore's victory in Florida in 2000 and believing the exit polls in Ohio in 2004. I can't help thinking that a lightning strike against Iranian nuclear reactors will knock the whole mess into a cocked hat - or provide an excuse to postpone the election?

Somebody convince me that good news is coming.