The "War Room" is meant to foster discussion about the world and US foreign policy. The editors believe that everyone has a right and a duty to be heard about what gets done in our name. So we invite you to argue, blame, bloviate, criticize, discuss, praise, rant, read, and write right here. Please have at least some evidence to back up what you've got to say.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I hope they changed his oil and filter, too

It is, of course, deeply wrong to make light of anyone's health conditions.

That being out of the way, I'd like to point out the poetic implications of the "see also" column on the BBC page:

Profile: Dick Cheney
Cheney fitted with pacemaker
Cheney knee surgery 'a success'
Cheney 'fine' after medical tests
Brief stay in hospital for Cheney
Dick Cheney has blood clot in leg
Cheney pacemaker battery replaced
Cheney has heart rhythm restored

Monday, November 26, 2007

How Can You Miss Me When I Won't Go Away?

So anyway, there we were, blogging away, when we were hit by a meteor. That's what happened, and I'm not changing my story.

Turns out the Bushies made a simple, common, human error that anyone could make: it wasn't Iraq that had weapons of mass destruction, it was Iran. Boy, were there some red faces over at the TelePrompter crew when they found out they'd transposed one letter and got all those boys killed in the wrong spoke of the axle of evil. Could've happened to any of us, I guess - no real harm done, move along, nothing to see here.

But Iran - they're really bad, and we need to attack them right away. Sorry about that "Iraq" thing.