What the hell do I know?

So much for prognosticating primary results. I should go back to betting on football - except I once lost seven straight Super Bowl picks in the 1970s (something about being a Vikings fan and hating Miami, Pittsburgh, Oakland, and Dallas).
The McCain surge is bad news for the blue team - he's easily the strongest R. candidate for the general election. Not that anyone should believe me, but my original prediction some three years ago is still quasi-viable: McCain will be the R's nominee, Hillary won't make it out of South Carolina, and McCain will end up beating whoever the Democrats put up (I won't pretend that I'd heard of Obama before the 2004 DNC). Unfortunately, looking back at my archived blog posts, I was foolish enough in November 2006 to offer to bet $100 that "neither Hillary nor Obama will make it to the Convention as viable candidates." Hmmm.
I hope Mitt means it when he says he's in the race for the long haul - he's wasting all the right people's money. And someday, Rudy will actually compete somewhere, and Ol' Gator Fred Thompson will wake up and remember that there's a reason they call it "running" for president. Go Governor Huckleberry!